New Service Alert!

I am so excited to announce that I now offer virtual programming! This is such a great tool for someone who likes to exercise on their own time, but aren’t sure yet how to program for their goals (yet!)

This is also a great option for someone who is looking for guidance, but are looking for more affordable options!

This service would come with a programming consultation, where we discuss your goals and the details of your training. Monthly check-ins will keep you on track; this’ll be where we talk bout how the program is feeling; what’s working and (maybe) what isn’t!

What you’ll get is fully written out, month by month programming based on your specific training spaces, goals and abilities.

It’s like having a little Bri in your pocket! 🥰

Initial consultations are free so what are you waiting for?! Feel free to send me a DM or click the link in my bio to get to my website, where you can submit a contact form!


Navigating Social Media Wellness Spaces