Navigating Social Media Wellness Spaces

As our daily lives become increasingly online, taking a moment to asses how we are navigating these digital spaces has become more important than ever. Our algorithms are RELENTLESSLY picking apart our every watch, like and share whilst simultaneously providing endless more options for engagement. Liking a single fitness influencer will flood your feed with creators (falsely) promising “snatched waists” and lifted, perfect bodies. So what can we do to to curb these ridiculous claims while also finding better quality information?


Diversifying the creators you follow will expose you to different voices, experiences and cultures. In a time when wellness has been commodified, twisted and appropriated to fit a single, Eurocentric mold, it’s vital to step outside that toxic box. There is more to health than expensive facials, elite gym memberships and tasteless diets. Nutrition can be found in all cuisines, and exercise can look a million different ways. Amplifying and engaging with creators outside of your cultural understanding can broaden your horizons in beautiful ways. Learning about others will not only connect you to those around you, but further connect you to yourself as well. If you never challenge your own personal norms, how will you grow?


Everyone and their cousin is a wellness/fitness influencer, but can you tell which information is actually beneficial? Take a moment to research your favorite creators for certifications, education and experiences, but remember that some practices have been around for centuries and are not necessarily recognized by Western standards; this doesn’t mean that they’re invalid. Try your best to follow those who will provide you accurate information through a harm reduction lens. Too often in this field, we see wild, made up claims that are touted to sell the newest health supplement or workout program. Trending buzzwords are thrown into reels and posts without an understanding of what they actually mean in the hopes of sponsorships and engagement…shy away from these. ADDITIONALLY, biases inundate the medical field as well and a degree does not always mean that they have your best interest at heart! Keep your eye out for external AND internalized prejudice, racism and fatphobia and take it as a sign to move onto the next provider.


This one seems simultaneously funny and excessive but I mean it. Preserve your mental health and utilize your Block Button without guilt; seriously. Demonization of food, guilt tactics, and shaming should have no place on your feed. The more you push back on content that doesn’t serve you, the better your algorithm will get at providing you with content that does. Your feed is your space. Claim it and curate it to support your growth and peace of mind. You deserve it.


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