Eating at Night

✨Is eating at night okay?✨

I have gotten this question a lot while training my clients…and while I want to make it clear that I am NOT a registered dietitian, I still want to share some insight on this topic.

~ I will tag dietitians/nutritionists that I love below! 😉 ~

The short answer is YES, it is okay. Grant yourself the freedom to honor your body’s hunger cues, no matter the time.

Your eating schedule should be built around what works best FOR YOU and YOUR schedule, not based around an archaic rule rooted in the fear of taking up space. (We all remember the No Food After 7pm rule)

If we look at eating in terms of gaining, maintaining, and losing weight (depending on your goals), the time of your meals is not the deciding factor for success. Your body does not have an internal clock that decides when and how it will utilize the nutrients is receives.

Here’s a quick example:

If you eat a light breakfast and then get swept up in a busy day, forgetting to feed yourself as you normally would, eating a full, well-rounded dinner is a GREAT idea. Not only that, but an after dinner snack might also be in order. Because at the end of the day and realistically speaking, you’re behind on your meals and your daily nutritional needs!

Learning how to distribute your meals in the way that best serves you can be challenging. Especially as we navigate life’s curveballs. Remember that perfection is NEVER the goal and flexion and adaptation are just constants of life. Be gentle with yourself, and make sure you eat something yummy today! 🫶

Amazing IG dietitians & nutritionists :






Clean Eating?


Carbs and Performance