Deconstructing Exclusivity in Fitness

What do you picture when you think of the word fitness? 

If thin, muscled individuals squat-jumped into your mind’s eye, you’re not alone. 

The fitness industry has long painted a very specific ideal of what fitness and movement can be and here’s the kicker; for the majority of the population, this ideal is almost never realistic, attainable and sustainable. The reality is, it was never designed to be. 

The fitness industry thrives and survives by keeping this fabricated ideal just out of reach, because without it, how could it push the next fad diet, or trendy fitness regime?

So how do we break the mold?

  • Practice letting go of socially constructed expectations - This can be a difficult, ongoing process. We are constantly bombarded with language and imagery that are designed to make us feel less than but we are everything that we should be. Try to remember that movement can be so much more, because we are so much more.

  • Experiment with different modes of fitness - Try out anything and everything that interests you, and TAKE UP SPACE. Exploring joyful movement is an exciting and beautiful thing, and you deserve these experiences. 

  • Elevate positive voices around you - The fitness industry often only pushes voices that come from very thin, and almost exclusively white voices. So in response to this, we can choose to uplift each other. Surrounding yourself with, and sharing voices that truly share your values is so important. By taking control of what you are seeing and sharing, you can start to broaden the traditional views by offering possibilities outside of these predetermined and restrictive ideals.

We as a people are so varied, and our celebration of movement should be a reflection of that, not an attempt to change it. 

Remember, working to exist outside of what we’ve always been told is “right” is a brave thing. Your journey doesn’t have to be perfect or linear to be positive and I truly wish you all the best as you explore what’s right for you!

Showcasing Instagram voices I love : 











Training Imbalances